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⵵/ȣ 2010 / ȣ: V.22,no.2,Jun
1() Ű/ ȥտ ó Ư ȭ
2(Ÿ) Changes in Mechanical Properties of Sanitary Nonwoven Fabrics by Chitosan/Nanosilver Mixed Solution Treatment
(Ÿ) Hyun-Sook Bae
Ҽ() âб Ƿа
Ҽ(Ÿ) Changwon National University
/ 163 ~ 172 : 10
() Korean
ʷ In order to investigate the changes in mechanical properties of sanitary nonwoven fabrics actually used as a top sheet, the fabric was treated with a mixture of chitosan and nanosilver colloidal solution in accordance with the prescribed ratio. The former is a natural polymer with excellent biocompatibility and the latter can give an additional performance while compensating the weaknesses of chitosan of deteriorating adherence efficiency. It was shown that the bending and shearing characteristics of the chitosan/nanosilver treated fabrics decreased, which helped to make it softer, smoother and more flexible. The shape stability and drapability of the treated fabrics improved. As KES-FB system evaluation showed that Koshi was deduced, and both Numeri and Fukurami were increased. Thereby, the chitosan/nanosilver treated fabrics were smoother to provide elasticity. In the change of hand value compared to chitosan only treatment, a better THV was shown in the fabrics treated with chitosan/nanosilver mixed solution than the fabric treated with chitosan alone.
Ű sanitary nonwoven fabric, chitosan, nanosilver colloid, mechanical properties, deformation behavior
Reference http://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=OSGGBT_2010_v22n2_163
