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⵵/ȣ 2006 / ȣ: V.18,no.1,Feb
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2(Ÿ) Catechins Content and Color Values of Silk Fabrics Dyed with Korean Green Tea Extracts
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(Ÿ) Ji Hyon Son, Myung Sun Lee and Tae Il Chun1
Ҽ() Ǵб Ȱд мǵ
Ҽ(Ÿ) Dong-Eui Univ.
/ 10 ~ 19 : 10
() Korean
ʷ Despite several recent attempts to measure the concentration of individual catechins by HPLC, it has not been so easy to separate catechins accurately. The aim of the present work is to provide a proper condition for separating each component of catechins by HPLC analysis, and also to evaluate the experimental variables including color differences, and metal ion contents after dyeing and mordanting. Four kinds of Catechins, (-)-epicatechin(EC), (-)-epicatechin gallate(ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin(EgC), (-)-epigallocatechin gallate(EgCG) were isolated from the residues after dyeing. Catechins in Korean green tea leaves are richer when the tea leaves are younger. Higher concentration of catechins owes it to the way it is processed. The contents of catechins adsorbed in silk fabrics after dyeing were in order of EGCG>ECG>EGC>EC. We have found 68% uptake of EGCG, and 116.8mg of EGCG in the silk fabrics after it was dyed with 1% Korean green tea extracts. The absorbance intensity and K/S values of dyed silk fabrics were increased with dyeing temperature and time. Only the surface color of the silk fabric dyed with green tea extracts was yellowish red, but it changed from yellowish red to red with an increase in the mordant concentration. Post-mordanted silk fabrics with ferrous sulfate changed from yellowish red to red and purple color shade. In a practical evaluation, there is no significant change in color after twenty times of the continuous dry cleaning process. However, post-mordanted fabrics with ferrous sulfate faded the brightness of color after dry cleaning. Dyeing silk fabrics with a Korean tea extract reduced the metal ion contents in the silk fabrics when compared to the untreated silk fabrics. Metal contents in silk fabrics dyed and post-mordanted with 1 % each metal solution were 0.194 ppm for Aluminum, 1.601ppm for Copper, and 0.334 ppm for Iron. After the post-mordanting process, the heavy metal ion absorption increased, which was mainly attributed to the catechins and polyphenols in dyed silk fabrics.
Ű Korean Green Tea Extracts, dyeing and mordanting, metal ion contents
Reference http://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=OSGGBT_2006_v18n1_10
