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⵵/ȣ 2014 / ȣ: V.26,no.1,Mar
1() Design and Synthesis of Novel Rhodamine-based Chemosensor Probe Toward Cu2+ Cation
2(Ÿ) Design and Synthesis of Novel Rhodamine-based Chemosensor Probe Toward Cu2+ Cation
() Young-A Son
(Ÿ) Young-A Son
Ҽ() Chungnam National University
Ҽ(Ÿ) Chungnam National University
/ 7 ~ 12 : 6
() English
ʷ Nowdays, fluorescent rhodamine chemosensors have attracted a worldwide interest due to its ability to selectively detect heavy and transition metal cations. Due to the importance in environmental and biological toxic effects, the developments of fluorescent chemosensors have been received considerable attention in recent. Especially, a rhodamine-based chemosensor probes have been proved to be useful by exhibiting the efficient off-on fluorescence switching toward selected metal cations. This fluorophore can undergo the transformation from non-fluorescent and colorless spirolactam derivative to fluorescent ring-open form. In this study, a new fluorescent chemosensor was synthesized using rhodamine B through two-step procedures, and its selectivity and related optical property were characterized. Selectivity and sensitivity was found toward Cu2+ guest molecules and then related optical properties of rhodamine B based fluorescent chemosensor compound were characterized using discussed. In addition, computational calculation was used to determine the HOMO/LUMO values.
Ű rhodamine, fluorescence, chemosensor, divalent copper(Cu2+), HOMO/LUMO
Reference http://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/ArticleFullRecord.jsp?cn=OSGGBT_2014_v26n1_7
